Professional Funeral Video and Photo Services Across the UK

For over eight years, we have proudly provided professional funeral video and photo services across the UK. With over 2,500 ceremonies documented, spanning diverse traditions and cultural services, we are dedicated to helping families preserve cherished memories with compassion and care. Our passion for what we do shines through in every photo and video we create, delivering quality that is truly unmatched. Whether capturing heartfelt moments or ensuring every detail is preserved, we approach each service with the utmost respect and professionalism.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re available seven days a week and always ready to answer your calls or respond to your emails promptly between 9am and 10pm.

Funeral Videography & Live Streaming in the UK | Professional & Compassionate Service

Every funeral we document tells a deeply personal story, celebrating the unique cultures, traditions, and beliefs of each family. With years of experience, we specialise in capturing a wide range of ceremonies, from intimate natural burials to grand cultural tributes. Our services include Funeral Videography, providing a detailed and timeless record of the day; Funeral Photography, preserving intricate and heartfelt moments; and Live Funeral Streaming, ensuring loved ones unable to attend can feel connected in real time.

Whether it’s a traditional church service, a natural burial, a Gurdwara or a culturally specific ceremony, we approach every occasion with care, respect, and professionalism. Our mission is to capture each moment with precision, creating lasting memories for you and your family.

Live  Funeral Streaming Services

Our Live Funeral Streaming service connects family and friends in real-time, allowing them to be part of the ceremony from afar. With state-of-the-art cameras and secure technology, we ensure a high-quality, respectful live broadcast for a meaningful shared experience.

Funeral Videography Services

Our discreet Funeral Videography service captures the most meaningful moments of the ceremony with precision and sensitivity. Every tribute, emotion, and significant detail is thoughtfully recorded, creating a timeless keepsake for your family.

Funeral Photography Services

With our professional Funeral Photography, we document intimate moments with compassion and care. From family interactions to floral tributes and key aspects of the service, we ensure every meaningful detail is preserved beautifully.

Memorial Streaming FOR FAMILIES

Our Memorial Streaming Services allow loved ones unable to attend in person to join the ceremony virtually. Using secure and high-quality streaming, we ensure they feel connected and part of the commemorative event.

Tribute Films & Funeral Slideshows

We create bespoke Tribute Films and Funeral Slideshows to honour your loved one’s life. By combining treasured photos, videos, and music, we produce a touching and heartfelt presentation to commemorate their memory.

Audio, TV & Projector Hire For Funerals

Our Audio, TV, and Projector Hire service provides high-quality equipment for funeral ceremonies. Whether displaying tribute videos, slideshows, or live streams, we ensure every detail is presented with clarity and respect.

Customer Reviews

What Funeral Directors & Families Say about Our Funeral Streaming, Video and photography Work

I’m a Funeral Director and I’ve used Shaun on a number of occasions now for his Funeral Streaming services. There is no doubt in my mind that he is one of the best in the business. He is meticulous, knowledgeable and produces a very professional Funeral Videography and streaming Service.

Following my latest funeral with him for one of my families, I received the following from a relative who wasn’t able to attend:

“I wanted to thank you so much for the quality of the online delivery of the service for Peter today.
My partner and I watched with my parents, and it was a great facility. The clarity of sound and visuals was as close to being present as possible, such that we followed the order of service and felt comfortable singing with the congregation. I know Susan and Marion would want you to know the kindness this served to them. Really heartfelt thanks to the team that delivered it.”

Naturally when I receive feedback like this, I’m extremely pleased.

Thanks Shaun.

Paul Fisher - Funeral Director ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

December 2024