LIve Streaming
While issues are rare, due to the nature of the internet, live streaming can be subject to external influences that can cause interruption or disruption to the broadcast and/or recording of services. No guarantee is given that audio/visual data delivered over the internet will be uninterrupted or error-free. UK Funeral Video Services will not be liable for any corruption to the streaming of the Funeral or any delay in receiving or other defects relating to data dispatched over the internet. As a back up we always record the ceremony digitally to ensure the ceremony is still captured just incase the feed is disrupted. Should this be the case then a digital file will be provided within 24-48 hours of us arriving back at our office.
The client understands and accepts that the video coverage will be as the Videographer determines and that no individual video clip will be deemed more important than another. Special requests are not binding instruction, although every effort is made to comply with the client’s wishes , the Videographer shall be granted complete artistic licence including in relation to the angle of capture and the locations used. The videographers judgement regarding the positioning shall be final. Due to the vagaries of the weather and the willingness of subjects it may not be possible to capture all the images requested.
Limitation of Liability
In the unlikely event of a total equipment failure or cancellation of this contract by either party or in any other circumstance the liability of one party to the other shall be limited to the total value of the contract. Neither party shall be liable for indirect or consequential loss. Our liability to you is limited to making a refund of the sums that you have paid us in respect of the booking. We will be entitled to deduct any out of pocket expenses that we have reasonably incurred or paid to a third party.
Filming Permissions - Church & Venues
Please note that it is your responsibility to obtain the consent from the owners of the venue where the Event is being held and all other persons involved in the Event, such as any person conducting the ceremony, the choir, organist and other musicians to record the Event before it takes place and to pay any fees charged by them. If you fail to do so, this may mean that we are unable to film the Event. If this occurs then we are not liable for any recordings missed as it is the clients responsibility to obtain all permissions.
Copyright and Consents
Any images/videos or copies of images/videos, stored digitally or otherwise are protected by the Copyright and Design Act 1988. It is contrary to the Act to copy or allow to be copied photographically/electronically or by any other means an image/video clip created as part of this contract without the permission of us in writing. All digital files remain the property of UK Funeral Video Services.
Staying Longer at the Event
Once our contractual hours are complete we have the right to leave the event. However, if the client requests us to stay longer than the agreed finish time then this can usually be arranged.
The client will be liable to pay any additional expenses incurred by UK Funeral Video Services not already included within the contract price. This includes for example; access fees charged by some venues, parking costs and the dispatch of discs and other products to non-UK addresses. All additional goods must be paid for in full on ordering. This includes extra DVD’s, Blu-Ray discs, special editing and rendering of footage/images and any other services ordered after the event or outside the original contract.
For live streaming we can also provide you with copies of the film on disc at an extra cost. These costs are laid out in our original quote.
Cancellation & Termination
We can withdraw, cancel or amend a proposal f it has not been accepted by you, or if the project has not started. Either we or you can cancel the order for any reason prior to your acceptance (or rejection) of the quotation.
If you want to amend any details of the project you must tell us in writing as soon as possible. Changes to the agreed contract or the use of additional services may result in increased costs. We will make this clear and transparent and add this to the overall quote/invoice total.
Cancellations less than 48h prior to day of the live-stream will not be refunded. Cancellations made after having your booking confirmed, but prior to the 48 hour window will incur an admin fee for any services already provided.
In some circumstances, due to lockdown laws, the agreed will not be able to go ahead as agreed or at all, and is therefore ‘frustrated’. In this scenario a full refund will be issued.
Funeral Filming & Photography
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully, they apply to all events photographed or filmed by "UK Funeral Video Services".
Special Requests/Coverage
The client understands and accepts that the photographic/video coverage will be as the photographer/Videographer professional determines and that no individual photograph or video clip will be deemed more important than another. Special requests are not binding instruction, although every effort is made to comply with the client’s wishes.
The photographer/Videographer shall be granted complete artistic licence including in relation to the poses photographed and the locations used. The photographer/videographers judgement regarding setup locations/poses and number of images& Clips taken shall be final. Due to the vagaries of the weather and the willingness of subjects it may not be possible to capture all the images requested.
The Videographer or photographer
On rare occasions and without notice it may be necessary for the photographer/videographer originally specified to be substituted by another photographer/videographer, (e.g. due to ill health). We will make every reasonable effort to secure a replacement if for any reason the photographer/videographer is unable to carry out the engagement. However, if in the unlikely event and for whatever reason, a replacement photographer/videographer cannot be found then our liability to you is limited to making a full refund of the sums that you have paid us in respect of the booking.
Images and Films
The photographer/videographer will provide a pleasing colour balance but cannot guarantee exact colour matching due to lighting and other environmental conditions. The client accepts that it is sometimes impossible to record on camera the exact colour as seen by the human eye.
Filming and Photography Permissions - Church & Venues
Please note that it is your responsibility to obtain the consent from the owners of the venue where the Event is being held and all other persons involved in the Event, such as any person conducting the ceremony, the choir, organist and other musicians to record the Event before it takes place and to pay any fees charged by them. If you fail to do so, this may mean that we are unable to photograph or film the Event. If this occurs then we are not liable for any recordings missed as it is the clients responsibility to obtain all permissions.
If the event includes a live performance, this should be pre-approved with the performer and venue and relevant licenses sought.
Copyright and Consents
Any images/videos or copies of images/videos, stored digitally or otherwise are protected by the Copyright and Design Act 1988. It is contrary to the Act to copy or allow to be copied photographically/electronically or by any other means an image/video clip created as part of this contract without the permission of us in writing. All digital files remain the property of UK Funeral Video Services.
Where high-resolution images or video files are provided to the client then "UK Funeral Video Services" gives the client absolute license and right to reprint those images and distribute freely for personal use only.
The original image/video files remain our property, this means:
We reserve the right to dispose of the original files at our absolute discretion when we choose.
We do not accept liability in relation to any loss of and/or damage to the original files.
Original files are kept at our discretion and maybe discarded once your project has been completed.
Limitation of Liability
In the unlikely event of a total photographic failure or cancellation of this contract by either party or in any other circumstance the liability of one party to the other shall be limited to the total value of the contract. Neither party shall be liable for indirect or consequential loss. Our liability to you is limited to making a refund of the sums that you have paid us in respect of the booking. We will be entitled to deduct any out of pocket expenses that we have reasonably incurred or paid to a third party.
Staying Longer at the Event
Once our contractual hours are complete we have the right to leave the event. However, if the client requests us to stay longer than the agreed finish time then this can usually be arranged at an hourly rate of £125 for video and £100 for photography. This charge will be invoiced and payable no later than 3 weeks after your wedding date. Failure to pay this will delay the completion of your film or images. If we are due somewhere else, have already worked excessive hours then UK Funeral Video Services has the right to say no and leave without consequence.
Reviewing your film or photos
Once completed we will upload your film/photos and send you a review link. You then have 10 days to review your files and you have one opportunity to tell us if there are any issues, complaints or changes which need to be made. If we do not hear from you within 14 days then we will assume that you accept the quality of the finished products and we shall be entitled to assume that you are satisfied with all items and that we will then be under no further obligation to accept any complaint and that the project will be deemed completed and accepted by the client.
Clients who take longer than 14 days to review films will incur a cost of £20 per additional month should they wish to keep their films longer in the review centre. This is due to us having to pay for additional space to store client files.
The client will be liable to pay any additional expenses incurred by UK Funeral Video Services not already included within the contract price. This includes for example; access fees charged by some venues, parking costs and the dispatch of discs and other products to non-UK addresses. Where accommodation or travel beyond 100 miles is needed then we will agree costs before the booking is agreed.
All additional goods must be paid for in full on ordering. This includes extra DVD’s, Blu-Ray discs, special editing and rendering of footage/images and any other services ordered after the event or outside the original contract.
Film & Photography Completion
Every film and photo is handcrafted for each event which involves a huge amount of time colour grading, editing, adding music and ordering each clip into a sequence to tell a story in order to give your film the best feel possible. This means that films usually take up to 6 weeks to complete depending on our work load and the time of year.
Films will be completed using Licensed music which we pay a subscription for. Apart from accidentally recorded music (background music) it is illegal to add any tracks such as mainstream music without permission from the original creator. Music is therefore picked by us but can be changed once should the client not like our choices. Should this occur then we will talk this through with the client and agree music before a new edit takes place.
Cancellation & Termination
We can withdraw, cancel or amend a proposal f it has not been accepted by you, or if the project has not started. Either we or you can cancel the order for any reason prior to your acceptance (or rejection) of the quotation.
If you want to amend any details of the project you must tell us in writing as soon as possible. Changes to the agreed contract or the use of additional services may result in increased costs. We will make this clear and transparent and add this to the overall quote/invoice total.
Cancellations less than 48h prior to day of the live-stream will not be refunded. Cancellations made after having your booking confirmed, but prior to the 48 hour window will incur an admin fee for any services already provided.
In some circumstances, due to lockdown laws, the agreed will not be able to go ahead as agreed or at all, and is therefore ‘frustrated’. In this scenario a full refund will be issued.