Professional Funeral Videography Services

As professional Funeral Videographers we travel across the UK to capture heartfelt moments with sensitivity and discretion. We aim to keep our pricing structure for Funeral Videography simple and transparent. Basic coverage starts with just two hours filming, which is perfect for families who only need just the main Funeral Service covering. We are also flexible and can extend our services to cover additional time and locations as needed. Our comprehensive services can begin at the family's residence, continue through the church and extend to the graveside or crematorium.

Our creative filming approach captures those moments such as the arrival of the funeral procession, the entirety of the funeral service with its original audio, and the touching gesture of friends and family laying down flowers and greetings. If desired, we can also cover the wake or reception to ensure every significant moment is documented.

We believe in transparency and showcasing our work so you can make a more informed choice. We strongly encourage you to view our funeral videography examples we've had the privilege of documenting. By doing so, not only will you gain insight into the quality of our videography work, but you will also experience our unique storytelling approach. Our examples serve as a testament to our sensitive and respectful approach to capturing these profound moments, ensuring they resonate emotionally while preserving the sanctity of the occasion. Engaging with our previous works will offer you a comprehensive view of our commitment to excellence and our dedication to celebrating the legacies of those who've passed on.

This video showcases a natural burial at GreenAcres Chiltern Park, capturing the serene environment and our respectful approach to filming. It demonstrates our style and dedication to documenting such significant moments with sensitivity and care.

Natural Burial at GreenAcres Chiltern Park

Funeral Videography
Prices & Packages

We offer tailored packages to suit the unique needs of each family. Our services are designed to honor the traditions, locations, and wishes that make each funeral unique. Here are our main options:

Single Location Coverage:

Our single location coverage package is designed to capture the essence of the funeral ceremony with meticulous attention to detail. We ensure that every significant moment is preserved, creating a lasting tribute to your loved one.

  • Arrival Ahead of Time: Capturing the venue and surroundings before anyone arrives

  • Documenting Arrival: Filming the arrival of family, friends and the Hearse

  • Service Coverage: Including readings, poems, music, and eulogies

  • Post-Filming Editing: Comprehensive editing with music and visual effects

  • Color Grading: Detailed enhancement of visual quality

  • 4K Download: Providing a high-quality download of the final film once completed

Multiple Location Coverage:

Our multi-location coverage offers a comprehensive videography package, capturing every important aspect of the day. This package ensures that no significant moment is missed, providing a complete and respectful documentation of the funeral.

  • Family Home: Coverage at the family's residence, capturing preparations and gatherings

  • Church or Crematorium: Filming the primary funeral service with full attention to detail

  • Other Parts of the Day: Documenting special moments such as musicians, balloon and dove releases

  • Drone: 4K Ariel shots throughout the day where possible and appropriate

  • Reception: Capturing the wake or reception, including personal interactions and tributes

  • Delivery: Beautifully edited into a 4K video, ensuring a high-quality, lasting tribute to download and keep

“My dear friend George Richmond, the Director of Photography for the Marvel movie Deadpool, took on the responsibility of selecting a videographer for my husband's funeral. He chose you out of everyone he looked at, and I am immensely grateful for that decision.

Your work is truly remarkable - from the beautiful opening shots to the impeccable sound quality and the finer details throughout. The way you captured the vibrant blue sky was touching, especially since my husband had such an affection for blue skies. My heartfelt thanks for everything you've done.”

Lady M ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Crafting a Timeless Heirloom.

Every funeral film we craft is meticulously edited with the aim of producing not just a video, but a timeless heirloom. It is our mission to ensure you have a profound memento to honor your loved one's legacy forever. We invite you to visit our Testimonials page, where previous clients have shared their experiences and thoughts about our funeral videography service. Your peace of mind is paramount to us, so please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or clarifications you might need.

Captain Kori Stovell’s Final Voyage

We had the honour of documenting young Kori's funeral, crafting a tribute video for his YouTube channel, where he had over 200,000 followers. Kori, a brave soul faced with terminal illness, was graced by Johnny Depp who sent him a personal video message, bestowing upon him the title "Pirate Captain Kori Stovell." Born with a heart condition, Kori had been under palliative care following two unsuccessful heart transplants. His funeral was beautifully adorned with a pirate theme, accompanied by thematic music. The community gathered in their hundreds, lining the streets to bid him farewell as a horse-drawn carriage led him to the church and, eventually, to his final resting place.

Kori's courage was unparalleled. Capturing his farewell was a profound privilege, ensuring his YouTube admirers could witness him embark on his final voyage.

Examples of Our Funeral Videography

To provide a clear idea of the quality and care we put into our services, we have compiled a selection of our previous funeral videography films and projects. These examples showcase our ability to capture the essence of each ceremony with respect and professionalism, ensuring that the memories are preserved beautifully for those who attend and those who cannot be present.

We understand the importance of these moments and strive to deliver the highest quality 4K video and audio, providing a seamless experience for all viewers. Our state-of-the-art equipment and experienced team ensure that every detail is captured with the utmost sensitivity and respect. From the arrival of the funeral procession to the final farewells, our videos honor the unique story of each individual and their loved ones. Watch our examples of funeral videography below to see the care and professionalism we bring to each project.

Frequently Asked Questions about Funeral Videography

Find answers to common questions about our funeral Videography services, including our approach, availability, and how we can help you preserve the memories of your loved ones.

  • The cost to video a funeral typically starts at £750 plus travel expenses. This price includes filming the ceremony, capturing the hearse and guest arrivals, and recording everyone as they leave. Drone shots are also included where applicable and possible. For more comprehensive coverage, additional locations can be included at £250 each. This ensures every significant moment of the day is captured with professionalism and respect.

  • Yes, it is appropriate to video a funeral when done respectfully. Funeral videography has become increasingly common and accepted, especially with the recent need for virtual attendance during the pandemic. We ensure that our presence is unobtrusive and that we capture the service with the utmost sensitivity, allowing families to commemorate their loved ones in a dignified manner.

  • Yes, it is becoming increasingly normal to film funerals. Many families choose to have funerals filmed to ensure that all moments, including moving eulogies and tributes, are captured for those who cannot attend in person. Filming a funeral can provide a lasting memory and offer comfort to family and friends by allowing them to revisit the ceremony.

    However, it is essential that filming is done discreetly and with the utmost respect for the occasion. Professional funeral videographers are trained to capture these moments sensitively, ensuring that the presence of the camera does not intrude on the service. Most importantly, filming should always be conducted with the explicit permission of the family of the deceased, respecting their wishes and privacy.

  • When done by a professional with sensitivity and respect, filming a funeral is not disrespectful. Our funeral videographers are experienced in capturing these significant moments in a way that honors the deceased and provides comfort to the family. We ensure that our presence is unobtrusive and that the sanctity of the service is maintained.

  • How far will you travel for funeral videography?

    We offer funeral videography services throughout the UK. In the past two years alone, we have traveled nearly 120,000 miles to film funerals across the country. No matter where the service is held, we are committed to providing high-quality videography to help families honour their loved ones.

  • Hiring a professional funeral videographer ensures that the significant moments of the service are captured with high quality and respect. Professionals have the experience and equipment to produce a polished and heartfelt video that serves as a lasting tribute to your loved one. Our expertise allows us to navigate the sensitivities of the day, providing you with a seamless and respectful recording.

  • Our funeral videography packages can be customised to meet your specific needs. A basic package typically includes two hours of filming, covering the ceremony in full. We can also extend our services to include the arrival of the funeral procession, the service, the burial or cremation, and any subsequent gatherings. Each package is designed to capture the essence of the day with sensitivity and professionalism.

  • Absolutely. We work closely with families to understand their preferences and ensure that specific moments and details are captured. Whether it’s a particular reading, a musical performance, or personal interactions, we strive to honour your requests and create a meaningful video that reflects the unique aspects of the service.

  • Typically, you will receive the final edited funeral video within two weeks of the service. We offer 4K resolution digital downloads. Our goal is to deliver a beautifully edited video that you can cherish for years to come.

  • We take privacy very seriously and ensure that all videos are created and shared with the consent of the family. Our funeral videographers are trained to be discreet and respectful, capturing the event without intruding on private moments. We also offer secure, private online galleries for sharing the video with family and friends.

  • Booking our funeral videography services is straightforward. Contact us via phone or email to discuss your needs. We will arrange a consultation to understand your requirements and provide a detailed quote. Once you confirm the booking, we will take care of all the details to ensure a seamless experience on the day of the service.

  • Yes, we have a portfolio of previous work and testimonials from families who have used our funeral videography services. You can view examples on our website or request additional references during our consultation. Seeing our previous work can give you a better understanding of our approach and the quality of our videos.

  • Yes, we offer live streaming services for funerals, allowing friends and family who cannot attend in person to participate in real-time. Our live streaming setup ensures high-quality video and audio, making it easy for remote attendees to feel connected and included.

    You can find out more about our Live Streaming Services here - Funeral Streaming

Contact Us for More Information

If you have any specific questions or ideas about the coverage, we are always open to discussions. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your specific requirements and to receive a detailed quote tailored to your needs. Your peace of mind is our priority, and we are here to ensure you receive the highest level of service and support.