Funeral Videographer, funeral videography Shaun Foulds Funeral Videographer, funeral videography Shaun Foulds

Dorset Funeral Videography - South Downs Natural Burial Site Woodland Burial

The coffin was carried down by the Pallbearers and Funeral Director on a Hand Cart followed by Family and friends. It’s always a challenge to film this moment from lots of different angles without being too intrusive, but it was really important to the family to capture the essence of this part of the Funeral. I had already been filming lots of details such as drone shots alone the canopy of the forest ready to set the scene and lead up to these moments. The whole service was beautifully done, with some singing, a reading, tributes and touching music played in the background at various moments. Once the coffin had been lowered then flowers were sprinkled in the grave while music was played in the background on an instrument which I have never seen before, but sounded amazing.

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Croydon Funeral Streaming - London

This funeral took place in London where I was Funeral Streaming in Croydon for this family. I loved the subtle changes they made here, where he arrived the night before rather than on the day. What I liked about this approach was that as guests entered the church, they naturally made their way to the front to touch and read the cards on the Coffin, with many of them whispering their own tributes and words, before sitting down in their seats. A subtle but hugely powerful change which added a much deeper connection to the funeral.

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Funeral Videographer, funeral videography Shaun Foulds Funeral Videographer, funeral videography Shaun Foulds

Yorkshire Funeral Videographer - Funeral at St Mary's Church in Whitby

This funeral took place in Whitby, North Yorkshire at the Church of St Mary’s which is situated right next to Whitby Abbey. St Mary’s is a Norman church built in 1110 and the interior was pretty unique. The pews were the tallest I have ever seen and I’ve been to hundreds of Churches during my time as a Wedding Videographer and Funeral Videographer. This made it quite difficult to see anyone once seated and the pulpit was really high up, so I had a few challenges with regards to filming positions to overcome. Luckily I had arrived nice and early giving me plenty of time to set up and make the most of the scenery.

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Surrey Funeral Streaming - Funeral at Loseley Park in Guildford

We arrived nice and early at Loseley Park in Guildford, Surrey to provide the Funeral Streaming for a family that had friends and relatives across the world. This was such a peaceful location for a funeral service as this family celebrated the life of their loved one around the world through our live stream.

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funeral photographer, funeral photography Shaun Foulds funeral photographer, funeral photography Shaun Foulds

Wembley & Edgware Funeral Photographer. - Photographing a Nigerian Funeral

As a Funeral Photographer I capture funerals all over the UK covering so many different cultures. This was a Nigerian Funeral in Edgware, London covering 4 locations, so it was a really busy day. We started the day at the family home with a White Hearse arriving behind the Funeral Director. Once there everyone came out to see the coffin and the flowers. Then we made a very short journey back down the hill to St Sebastian and St Pancras Church where the funeral was held. It was a lovely service, the minister was amazing and once finished it was off to Alperton Cemetery for the burial. The Funeral director made his way through Alperton cemetery and once the Hearse had pulled alongside the graveside the burial was underway. The Minister said his final words and then those in attendance threw flowers into the grave and said their final goodbyes. Once the grave had been filled everyone joined in to decorate the grave with flowers and wreathes. Then the family requested some family shots around the graveside and once finished it was time for the Wake which was back at St Sebastian and St Pancras Church Hall. Here are a few of the images I captured on the day to give you an idea of the kind of things we do.

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Croydon Funeral Streaming - Croydon & Tooting Funeral

I loved this family so much. It was such a busy day for me and Patrick as we Live Streamed and Photographed this funeral covering 3 x locations covering the Church, Graveside and Wake. We started at the New Testament Assembly Church in Tooting which had an amazing Gospel Choir. Then it was off to the Burial which was at Lambeth Cemetery, also iin Tooting and we finished the day at the Festival Suite in Croydon.

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Shaun Foulds Shaun Foulds

Tribute Film and Funeral Slideshow

Here’s a Tribute Film & Slideshow we put together for one of our families where we Live Streamed a Funeral in Dorking a couple of days ago. This was a rather large set of photos, 123 in total set to 3 music tracks. A little bigger than what we normally do but as always we’re happy to work to whatever your ideas are. We also provided the family with a projector and screen and they played this during the wake.

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funeral photography, funeral photographer Shaun Foulds funeral photography, funeral photographer Shaun Foulds

Nottinghamshire Funeral Photographer - Funeral at Mansfield Crematorium

Mansfield Crematorium Funeral Photography by Shaun Foulds

It was a real privilege to photograph this funeral for a lovely lady who’s Father had recently passed away. The Funeral took place at Mansfield Crematorium in Nottinghamshire. Mansfield Crematorium is surrounded by a forest of Pine Trees, so the setting is very beautiful. The Funeral took place late afternoon, so the sun was getting ready to set and the light was dropping pretty fast. As family gathered outside the crematorium the Funeral Director and daughters of the deceased made their way up the drive walking in front of the Hearse. Family members carried the coffin into the service and then Drew Baxter the funeral celebrant led the service and shared family tributes throughout. Once the service had finished the family headed outside for a balloon release and then we finished with some family photos and some food at the pub just around the corner.

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Surrey Funeral Streaming - CLANDON WOOD BURIAL GROUNDS

Funeral Streaming at Clandon Wood Natural Burial Grounds

We don’t just Live Stream Funerals in Churches and crematoriums, we also get asked by Families for Funeral Streaming in Woodlands and Meadows throughout the UK as well. A couple of days ago we covered this Disney Themed Funeral at Clandon Wood Nature Reserve & Natural Burial Ground in Guildford. I’ve filmed, photographed and Live Streamed funerals here through just about every season of the year and in all weather situations and I have to say that it is a beautiful venue. The Service always takes place in the Glass Pavilion with the log burner keeping everyone warm and followed by the family pushing the handcart with the coffin across to the Graveside. It was a lovely, warm service with lots of laughs and tears as family and friends shared stories about Tobias. Also, check out the amazing flowers and yes it says exactly what you think it says 😂🤣 Here’s just a few photos I managed to grab along the way. I was Live Streaming for the family so I didn’t get chance to take lots.

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funeral photography, funeral photographer Shaun Foulds funeral photography, funeral photographer Shaun Foulds

Baby Funeral Photography at Tarn Moor Memorial Woodland in Yorkshire

Thank you to the family for allowing me to share these images, It was an absolute privilege to travel up to Skipton to photograph Baby Oliver’s ceremony at Tarn Moor Memorial Woodlands. This was an incredible family who showed immense strength and love throughout the day. There was colouring, painting, stories and reflection as mum & dad shared their thoughts and memories of Oliver. Afterwards we all walked across to Tarn Moor Memorial Woodlands where some final words and readings were shared as his ashes were buried and a tree planted to mark the area.

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Funeral Videographer, funeral videography Shaun Foulds Funeral Videographer, funeral videography Shaun Foulds

Greenacres Chiltern Natural Burial Grounds - Funeral Videography

Whilst most of our work of late has been live streaming, here’s a funeral we filmed a couple of days ago for the lovely Steve Mead, whom I had the privilege to meet last year and who’s life was cut short by this dreaded disease.

His Funeral took place at Greenacres Chiltern Cemetery & Woodland Burial Site set in 72 Acres of beautiful woodland. This was the perfect setting to celebrate his life and the journey into the forest where he was buried and surrounded by nature was truly beautiful.

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funeral photography, funeral photographer Shaun Foulds funeral photography, funeral photographer Shaun Foulds

Hampshire Funeral Photographer, Petersfield

It was such a privilege to be asked to photograph Allan’s Funeral on behalf of his family a couple of weeks ago at St Mary Magdalen Church in Petersfield, Hampshire. It was a lovely celebration of Allan’s Life, the black horse and carriage were the perfect touch as he made his final journey to the church and Rams Hill Cemetery.

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funeral photography, funeral photographer Shaun Foulds funeral photography, funeral photographer Shaun Foulds

Garden City Funeral Photographer - Funeral at Icknield Way Cemetery

It was an absolute privilege to film and photograph this funeral on behalf of this beautiful family. I started the day at St Paul’s Church in Letchworth, Hertfordshire. It was a really cold day, very windy and the rain was trying it’s absolute best to get going, but managed to hold itself whilst family and friends arrived. The ceremony and tributes were really moving and after the service finished we headed off to Icknield Way Cemetery for the burial. Everyone gathered around the grave for the final blessings and then people took it in turns to help back fill the grave whilst others sung gospel songs, which I always love listening too.

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funeral photographer, event photographer Shaun Foulds funeral photographer, event photographer Shaun Foulds

Oxfordshire Funeral Photographer - South Oxford Crematorium

This was my first visit as a Funeral Photographer to South Oxfordshire Crematorium and Memorial Park. A beautiful and peaceful place and the perfect setting for this lovely ceremony in Oxfordshire. I was invited to capture this day as the family simply wanted it documenting, capturing the detail and to help remember everyone who attended. It was a lovely ceremony and once we’d finished at South Oxfordshire Crematorium & memorial Park, we headed off to the lovely Denman College for the Wake for jam Scones, cake, sandwiches and tea.

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funeral photographer, funeral photography Shaun Foulds funeral photographer, funeral photography Shaun Foulds

Buckinghamshire Funeral Photographer - A Funeral at Chiltern's Crematorium

This was my first Visit as a Funeral Photographer at Chiltern’s Crematorium, Amersham in Buckinghamshire just a couple of days ago. The family booked me photograph the funeral due to relatives living in Malaysia being unable to travel and attend. It was a priviledge to work with Heritage & Sons Amersham Funeral Directors who were incredible on the day and an absolute pleasure to meet.

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Shaun Foulds Shaun Foulds

Somerset Funeral Videographer

Yesterday we drove down to Taunton Deane Crematorium in Somerset for the funeral Filming of Leah Marie Wilson who sadly died in a tragic accident whilst on holiday with her family in Tenerife in August last month. The funeral was organised by Robson & Stephens Funeral Directors and the service was led by the lovely Celebrant Beverley Symonds. It was incredible turn out from friends and family, all there with one purpose, to celebrate Leah’s Life and to say goodbye. The service was really beautiful, with laughs and giggles at times as tributes were shared.

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